Current Greenhill Water Supply Status: ON
Water Supply – Continuity
GWSC operates a bore to extract and supply water and does not guarantee that the supply of water will be continuous. The primary purpose of the water supply to members is to enable the topping up of their independent water tank.
System maintenance requirements, breakdowns and other unforeseen circumstances may require the system to be closed down for lengthy periods without warning at any time.
Though if a system shut down occurs a Notification will be posted on the home page of this website to advise members.
The GWSC system is not intended to be the sole or principal source of domestic or fire-fighting water on any property.
The GWSC constitution specifically requires members to have and maintain a high degree of self-sufficiency in domestic water supply.
At least 60,000 litres static capacity providing the dwelling with its primary source of water is essential for membership consideration.
Planning Act of South Australia requires all residents in CFS response areas to maintain a minimum of 22,000 litres at all times for firefighting.
GWSC Directors have power to revoke membership when this condition is breached.
Membership of the Company is obtained by paying to the Company the membership fee determined by the Directors.
(ANNEXURE 1) of the Membership Information and Application Pack.
Only the registered proprietors, as described on the Certificate of Title, of Properties located in the township of Greenhill in the state of South Australia are eligible to be members of the Company.
Only one membership will be accepted in respect of each Property.
Membership fees, once paid, are not refundable.
Membership is transferable only where an existing member sells a Property for which membership is held. In that case membership in respect of the Property sold transfers on settlement to that person registered as the new owner on the Certificate of Title for the Property and to no other.
Please reference the attached document for all Membership information​​
New Members
To become a member of the Company you must:
Be a registered proprietor of land within the Suburb of Greenhill.
Apply for membership to the Company.
Pay the membership fee as set by the Company from time to time.
Only one membership per property can be accepted.
Membership fees are not refundable.
Bushfire Considerations
Living in rural area with a high bush-fire rating there are laws and policies Federal, State and Local Governments have implemented that are both for you, your family and the greater community to consider. A greater understanding of our responsibilities awareness helps keep the community safe and more resilient.
Please click on the following links.
Minister’s Code Undertaking development in Bushfire Protected Areas February 2009 (as amended 2012)
Minister’s Specifications SA78 Additional requirements in designated bushfire prone areas May 2011.
South Australian Fire Authorities Community Safety Department – Built Environs Section Policy No14
Fact Sheet – Ways to make your home more resistant to bushfires
Fact Sheet – Rebuilding in areas affected by bushfires.