Current Greenhill Water Supply Status: ON
Fees and Charges
Greenhill Water as a Community Water Supplier we use professional trades as required and local volunteers to keep the supply of water sustainable and affordable.
Expenses being Power, insurance, repairs, maintenance, and administration.
Paying your bill on time, can assist immensely.
For communication it is the property owner's responsibility to ensure GWSC has the correct mailing address, email or phone number for billing and for SMS service a mobile phone number is required.
Water allocation to each member is 400kL, any consumption above this figure will incur higher fees. (See constitution Clause 26 of the Company Constitution)
1 Kilolitre(kL) = 1000 Litres(L).
Annual review of Fees:
Management is required at all times to ensure the company remains financially viable.
Fees and charges are subject to the annual RBA/CPI rates published December, fees each year are reviewed annually by the Directors and tabled at the AGM. Fees apply from July 1 to June 30 each year as posted.
Membership of property: one off payment: $2661.00
Initial property membership fee is required as a one-off payment per property and is non-refundable.
Service Connection Fee: $865.90 Estimate Only
Service Connection Fee is in addition to the Membership Joining Fee.
Subject to a site inspection; additional charges may also apply where specific site conditions result in increased costs of connection to the existing network.
Annual supply fee: $369.50
The annual supply fee is payable in advance by all members irrespective of the volume of water used, 1st July to 30th June.
billed 1st July annually.
Annual Supply Fee paid in advance (Pro-rata, depending on the joining month).
Annual usage fees:
Is based on the volume of water used in the previous year, July 1st, to June 30th.
Meters are read May or June, volume used is calculated and billed in July.
(Payment 60 days from invoice, late payment penalties apply unless on an agreed payment plan)
First 1kLFree- To allow for leaks, errors, and omissions. $0.00
From 1kL to 11kL = 10kL $19.22 minimum ​
From 11kL to 400kL - per kL $1.92
From 400 to 500kL – per kL $4.42
From 500 and above – per kL $6.71
Selling your Property - Conveyancing fee: $239.80.
Conveyancing Fee covers:
Final meter reading
Invoice preparation.
Conveyancer liaison.
Membership transfer.
Your property membership is transferable to new owners at no cost to you or GWSC, providing all debts are paid.
Meter interim reading and disputes fee: $116.00
To request a meter reading a fee is automatically debited to members’ account.
If the meter is found to be faulty a credit is applied.
If the meter is not faulty the Reading Fee is charged.
Meter box clearing and cleaning fee: $61.60
Members may be charged to compensate for having to find, clear and clean meters for access by our personnel.
Late Payment Fee Per Month: $18.50
Greenhill Watern is community owned.
The sole source of funds is from the community.
Greenhill Water is not a loan facility.
It is a requirement; all Members meet their obligations and pay their bills on time.
Payment terms are 60-days from invoice date.
LATE PAYMENT/ADMIN FEE is charged per month on all overdue accounts.
BUDGETING: (PAYMENT IN ADVANCE ONLY) guesstimate your annual bill and set up regular electronic transfer installments. Any residual amounts must be paid by the due date.
Those having difficulty paying must communicate with our administration and agree to a payment plan.
For accounts, please call 1300 72 38 72 or email accounts@greenhillwater.com.au.
In the event no effort is made to contact GWSC or pay overdue accounts.
GWSC may disconnect water until arrears are paid in full. This will also incur a reconnection fee.
GWSC, reserve the right to take action to recover money owed without further notice to you.
We operate under the statutory provisions of The Small Claims Court of South Australia and procedures as outlined by ASIC.
Membership is forfeited by you, (in writing)
All monies owing up to the date and time of the cessation notice will be due and payable to GWSC.
Re-connection fees will be required prior to water being reinstated to the property.​
Periodical charges and levies:
From time to time at the Annual or Special General Meeting of GWSC, Directors may request, a short-term levy should the need arise.
These levies may be for emergency events, infrastructure, forward planning, or other agreed purposes within the aims of the company.
These will have a start and finish date.
If the levy funds collected are not used for the original specification due to unforeseen circumstances, the levy funds cannot be returned to the members (see Constitution) and may be re-assigned to another purpose per the GWSC Constitution.